Putting it all together
1. Fit and attach the blade
For this part of the assembly you will need the black hot-melt glue (included with your power meter), a popsicle stick, heat gun, power meter shaft, and your blade.
A. Identify the blade end of the shaft
B. Apply glue to the blade spigot
C. Attach and align the blade
While the glue is warm and malleable, insert the blade spigot into the blade end of your power meter shaft. Align the blade and shaft using the LED light placement and the end of the blade.
D. Clean up
Any excess glue can easily be removed with a bit of direct heat and a swipe or two of a rag with turpentine.
2. Fit and attach handle
For this part of the assembly you'll need the black hot-melt glue stick, popsicle stick, heat gun, power meter shaft with attached blade, and your handle
A. Measure paddle length
The depth that the handle spigot is inserted into the shaft dictates the length of the paddle. The adjustable range is 47" to 51" (1194mm to 1295mm). To set the paddle to lengths shorter than 47", the handle end of the paddle shaft and handle spigot must be cut. The rule of thumb is to cut equal amounts off both the handle spigot and handle end of the paddle shaft.
e.g. to achieve 45" paddle length. Cut 2" off the end of the handle end of the paddle shaft, and 2" off the end of the handle spigot.
Test fit the handle and shaft, setting the handle to the correct position to achieve the desired paddle length. Ensure that there is at least 75mm of handle spigot inserted into the shaft. Mark off the handle depth with a pencil so that you can see the correct depth when attaching the handle with hot-melt glue.
B. Apply glue to handle spigot
C. Attach and align the handle
The handle will be aligned so that it is parrallel with the end of the blade. Since we already aligned and attached the blade, this part is pretty easy. Make sure to insert the handle to the measured pencil marking we made in 2.A.
D. Clean Up
Same as before, a bit of heat and a rag with turpentine will quickly remove and excess glue.
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