Scale Factor Calibration

A Scale Factor Calibration can be performed using basic and easily sourced components, or with a specifically designed calibration jig available for purchase from One Giant Leap. There is also the option to have the calibration jig manufactured yourself; the profile cut part files and assembly instructions are available to download from One Giant Leap .


The calibration process requires the paddle to be setup in the following way:

  • Paddle shaft horizontal

  • Paddle assembled with the offset angle set to either 45 degrees Left Hand Twist, or Right Hand Twist (depending on which channel is being calibrated)

  • Supports located at the right blade centre and left hand positions

  • Calibration weights (with known weight) hung from the right hand position

The supports can be as simple as blocks of wood resting on two separate tables. The space between the two tables is where the calibration weights will hang. Ideally the supports will have narrow width (5-10mm wide) so that the paddle is supported at a definite spot which can be identified and measured. The calibration weights can be applied by suspending them from the shaft with a rope.

The calibration process requires the strain output to be recorded with at least 2 different calibration weights (heaviest weight at least 40kg). The values are then input into the calibration spreadsheet where the scale factors are calculated. The N and O channels of a kayak power meter are calibrated separately, so the process must be carried out separately for each channel.

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